Stay Safe on the Road this Thanksgiving: Top 5 Driving Tips to Avoid Accidents in Florida
Travel Tips

Stay Safe on the Road this Thanksgiving: Top 5 Driving Tips to Avoid Accidents in Florida


People all over Florida are getting ready to drive to see friends and family because Thanksgiving is coming soon. Unfortunately, this means that there will be a lot of holiday traffic on our roads and highways, and accidents are sure to happen. We care about your safety at The Florida Law Group. That’s why we’ve put together this list of safe driving tips to help you avoid car accidents that could have been avoided.

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When Planning Your Thanksgiving Trip, Keep These Tips in Mind:

1- Be Flexible in Your Travel Plans

If you can, try not to leave when traffic is bad. Leave a little bit earlier than planned to avoid some of the crowds.

2- Check Your Vehicle Performance

Check your car’s engine, fluids, headlights, windshield wipers, brakes, turn signal, and tires before you hit the road. Fix anything that needs to be fixed to reduce the chance of an accident caused by a lack of upkeep.

3- Take Rest Breaks

If you’re going to be driving for a long time, make sure to stop often to eat a snack, stretch your legs, and get some fresh air. Taking breaks is a good way to stay awake and fresh and avoid getting irritable or tired while driving.

4- Be Patient

Heavy traffic can be stressful for even the most patient drivers. But it’s important that you don’t let your anger affect the way you drive. Don’t give in to the urge to drive too fast, follow too close, change lanes, or pass in a dangerous way.

5- Designate a Driver

If there will be drinking at your Thanksgiving party, make sure you have a designated driver if you need to get home. During the holidays, the number of drunk driving crashes tends to go up. Don’t let yourself or anyone in your family become part of the figures.

Safety Advisory:

If you were hurt in a car accident in Florida and have questions about how to handle your claim, we recommend that you set up a free meeting with a Tampa car accident lawyer from our firm. Fill out a form online or call 808-518-2120 to get started.